It’s that time of week again, and the development team have been working non-stop to deliver nothing but excellence!
We ran a closed Beta on the 8th and 9th of January and the problems that were occurring in Beta 3 have been rectified. The game was smooth, impressive, and feedback from the community was excellent. We will be running MORE Beta(s) in the coming couple of weeks.
Below are the updates so far this week from Jesse Paul — Chief of Gaming Operations:
New dealer art (might want to ask art team on this)
New background art (might want to ask art team on this)
Action panel refactors. All-in and raising actions
Player avatar refactors. Timer adjustments and overall look.
Minor improvements in game logic
Social system server is almost done
MTT and STT module is being developed
Improvements in the API. New endpoints and improved ones.
Remember this is just so far this week — next update Friday!
A lot happening this week!